One important part of a dental check-up that many people don't know about is mouth cancer screening. Mouth cancer can occur in any part of the mouth, including the tongue, throat and lips. Like any form of cancer, early detection is vital to successful treatment.
Mouth cancers have a higher proportion of deaths per number of cases than breast cancer, cervical cancer or skin melanoma, which are more widely known about. The mortality rate is 50% despite treatment, mainly because of late detection. However, if the condition is spotted early than there is a good chance of making a full recovery. Regular check-ups with your dentist are essential to spotting the early symptoms of mouth cancer.
Alex and Alina carry out mouth cancer screening as part of every standard dental check-up. With the aid of a small mirror, they will thoroughly check your cheeks, lips and mouth for any signs of cancer and will immediately refer you to a hospital consultant for further investigation if anything suspicious is found.
As well as screening you for mouth cancer at the practice, Alex and Alina can also advise you on how to check for early symptoms at home. Symptoms to watch out for include:
If you notice any of these symptoms, or anything else unusual, you should book an appointment with your doctor straight away. Remember, early detection vastly increases your chances of making a full recovery.
back to treatmentsSmoking and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol increase the risk of mouth cancer, but even if you don't smoke or drink you should still have regular mouth cancer checks, as cancer can develop from a variety of causes such as: