There are few more ominous feelings than waking in the middle of the night with a severe toothache.

If you are like one of the millions of people who suffer from a dental emergency each year, you will want a solution to your dental discomfort. And quickly!
Whether you have dental pain or need a routine check-up, our team at Queens Park Dental Team can help. Our emergency dentist Bournemouth will aim to see you within a day of you contacting our practice, so you don’t have to go about your day with a swollen face or sore tooth. If you need a more cosmetic based procedure, our cosmetic dentist Hannah Neve will oversee your treatment, to give you the gorgeous smile you deserve. We do it all at Queens Park Dental!
Now, back to our emergency dentist Bournemouth; how will you know that your dental issue requires a same-day appointment? Read on for the most common dental emergencies that we see in our practice.
Starting with undoubtedly the most common (and most unpleasant), a dental abscess occurs when the pulp of the tooth becomes infected.
It can cause intense discomfort and can prompt even the most phobic of patients to seek out our emergency dentist Bournemouth! It may also be accompanied by swelling, sensitivity, discoloured gums, fever with nausea and/or vomiting. If you suspect that you have an abscess, contact us immediately.
Lost filling or crown
As great as fillings and crowns are at restoring teeth, they can cause a lot of issues if they come loose or are lost.
You may notice a general sharp feeling if you have lost a filling, along with a sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures. If left for long enough, a lost crown or filling may develop into an abscess, so it’s worth contacting our team promptly if you notice that your crown or filling is loose.
Chipped or cracked teeth
More common in children, those who play sports or those who have manual jobs, chipped or cracked teeth do indeed warrant a same day visit to our dentist!
Aside from the often aesthetic issue, a crack or a chip can easily spread due to microscopic damage to the enamel and, once again, they can allow bacteria to infiltrate the pulp of the tooth. And as the treatment for a chipped or cracked tooth simply involves a composite filling or crown, there is no need to wait for it to develop into something worse.
Swelling is more of a symptom than a condition, but it can cause havoc.
Associated with everything from abscesses to impacted teeth, if you notice that one side of your face is swollen or there is swelling on your gums, contact our team. It doesn’t have to hurt to be an emergency!
Lost tooth
Quite uncommon in adults, a lost tooth will require emergency treatment.
Our team will aim to reattach the tooth to your jaw and determine what may have caused it to come loose.