Many people attend our practice to explore the possibility of teeth straightening in Bournemouth. Having gaps or overlapping teeth can make some people feel as if they don’t ever want to smile. At Queens Park Dental Clinic we know how life altering it can be to have a smile that you feel proud of and our dental professional Hannah will do whatever she can to make your treatment as straightforward as possible. If you wish to have an even, gap-free smile then book a consultation appointment at our practice today. You can do this by calling our practice, popping in or contacting us through our website. If you are unsure about whether you could benefit from this treatment then it may be worth consulting our online smile check that will ask you a series of questions about how you feel about your smile.

The process of getting straight teeth is a simple one
Once you have booked a consultation appointment with us for teeth straightening in Bournemouth we will be able to fully assess the condition of your teeth. At this appointment you will have impressions taken of your teeth, and from these your sets of aligners will be made. Your aligners will be completely clear and will fit comfortably over the tops of your own teeth. The clear, plastic design is a huge benefit when considering how many people neglect to have braces because of their unsightly appearance. These aligners are barely noticeable and should not affect the way you speak either. They are completely removable as well, meaning you can take them out for eating and brushing your teeth. We advise that you wear your aligners for a minimum of 22 hours a day to ensure that treatment works effectively. It is important to maintain a high level of oral hygiene throughout your treatment to prevent a build-up of plaque and tartar underneath your aligners.
After your treatment has come to an end you will have a retainer made. This must be worn constantly after your treatment for a period of a week, and then only at nighttime. Some people need to continue to wear their retainer at night for months, years or even the rest of their life. This varies between individual circumstances.
Achieve straighter teeth in no time at all
When you make the decision to get teeth straightening in Bournemouth you can expect your treatment to take between five and ten months, depending on your personal circumstances. In-Line’s invisible aligners are considerably quicker at producing results than alternative braces, making it a popular option for those of you who wish to achieve an even smile in time for a wedding or other important social event. You will be expected to wear each set of your aligners for four to six weeks each. You must wear them in the correct order and resist temptation to skip a set, as they are gradually moving your teeth into their new positions and this will prevent your treatment from working effectively, potentially resulting in you needing to start it again. If you have any questions about your dental professional will be able to answer these for you and explain anything about the treatment that you do not understand.