What’s the best way to receive teeth whitening?

One of the most common questions we get asked here at Queens Park Dental is, how can someone get their teeth whiter? There are now hundreds of products on the market pointing you in every direction as to how best to whiten. So, which way truly is the best? And is there more than one good way? Well we’ve put together a little guide on teeth whitening Bournemouth in order to give you all the information you need on it and to make it all that little bit easier for you.


Why do teeth discolour in the first place?

This is an excellent question, and wouldn’t it just be so much easier if discolouration wasn’t a thing! But unfortunately it is and lots of things we do in our lives can have an impact on our smiles. Even down to the spices we put in our dinners!

Foods contain colours and some foods contain brighter colours than others and because of this they are more likely to leave behind marks on our teeth. These foods contain high levels of tannin. An example of this would be coffee or red wine. Then there’s food that when concentrated is more likely to leave behind discolouration. An example of this would be tomato puree rather than cherry tomatoes.

The more we consume these types of foods and drinks the more likely we are to see the repercussions of this on our teeth. If you’re a big coffee or tea drinker you’re more likely to have staining than someone who opts for herbal tea for example. Now, we at Queens Park Dental Team find this tricky, as we want all patients to feel free to consume what they want when they want, but for those wishing to keep a whiter, brighter smile these diet influences might be something you need to look out for.

Then of course there’s smoking – we won’t go into this too deeply as we’re sure you’re aware of the staining effects of smoking.


Teeth whitening Bournemouth can be done in a variety of ways, for some it could be as simple as investing in a fancy whitening toothpaste, as these can be fairly productive and give patients that little lift they’re after. Alternatively you could come and see us at the practice for a hygienist clean as we’ve often had patients give feedback post scale and polish that their teeth look whiter than before. If you’re looking for a more professional experience we offer excellent teeth whitening Bournemouth services to all of our patients. We use industry approved, safe whitening techniques including at home bleaching trays that offer patients white teeth within just a two week window.

Really the best way to whiten comes down to you, the patient and your individual needs and desires. The best way to find out is to book and see us at the practice so we can check the health of your teeth and gums ahead of any treatment and recommend the best options for you.

If you ever need an emergency dentist Bournemouth

We all want to live with the best possible oral health and hygiene standards and for this reason, we seek to maintain good dental health by brushing our teeth twice a day as recommended by dental professionals. While this should help to stave off the negative effects of most common dental issues it is no guarantee that we will be completely free of dental problems. We all know that there are times in life when the unforeseen will happen and having an awareness of how we can access help and treatment may be useful.


If you have ever found yourself with a sudden, persistent toothache you may find yourself seeking treatment as soon as you possibly can, this will be especially true if the toothache is keeping you awake at night. You may also find yourself seeking immediate dental care if you are involved in an accident where there has been a strong impact on the lower area of your face that causes some damage to your teeth or jaw.

Both of these scenarios may lead you to seek the services of an emergency dentist Bournemouth.

At Queens Park Dental Team, we have special services that aim to treat patients who find they need immediate attention quickly. Keep in mind we endeavour to see most patients who need these services on the same day as they make contact with us. We want to identify any issues and make a patient feel more comfortable as soon as we possibly can.

Our first task

When you visit our emergency dentist Bournemouth our first task will be to identify the root cause of any problem you may be having, that way we can put a care plan together and start to make you feel more comfortable.

We would ask you to keep in mind that there could be many different reasons why you are experiencing tooth pain, some of which are more complex than others. This may mean we have to provide some form of interim relief and ask you to return to complete treatment. One example is providing you with antibiotics to clear an infection and then returning to have a tooth removed to prevent it from causing you any more problems.

If you do have an abscess or infection we will always seek to treat this first as we do not want it to spread to any other teeth or part of the mouth before taking further action, For this reason, it is vital that you take any medication that we may prescribe for you as directed, this should also help to ease any pain or discomfort you are feeling, making it easier for you to rest and sleep.

If you have been involved in an accident that has caused a severe impact on your teeth and jaw that has left some injury, then we would recommend that you contact our team as soon as you possibly can for an examination. We will need to assess any injury you may have and prescribe any appropriate treatment.

Accessing when needed

To access our emergency dentist Bournemouth when needed you should ring the practice early in the morning, this will create the best possibility for you to be seen on the same day and will minimise the amount of time you are living with any pain or discomfort.

Clear Braces or Metal Braces? How To Choose

When you’ve got lots of options it can be a blessing and a curse, and that’s no more so when deciding between clear braces and metal braces, as truth be told they are both excellent options for teeth straightening Bournemouth. So, to help out our patients we at Queens Park Dental have put together a little guide on the pros and cons of both orthodontic treatments, so you have all the info you need in one place.


Clear or Metal That Is The Question?

There are so many options for teeth straightening Bournemouth but for the most part there’s either traditional metal, wire braces (train tracks) or Invisible braces.

Metal braces are fixed to your teeth with a bracket system, these are usually made from stainless steel and then connect together through wires and little rubber bands, and it’s the consistent pressure from the bands on the teeth that pull the teeth into place.

Then there are invisible braces. These types of braces are clear trays that sit flush to your teeth. These are made to fit around your teeth exactly but are completely removable. They come in sets and work by slowly moving the teeth backwards by moving one tooth placement at a time.

Benefits of Invisible Braces

The major benefit of invisible braces is just that – that they are just that invisible.  They are also great as you are able to remove them which makes cleaning super easy and convenient and you can even carry on flossing between all your teeth – excellent for keeping gum disease at bay. Lots of patients love this system as it’s so easy to fit into your current lifestyle – no need to change diet or worry about lots of visits to see us.

Benefits of Metal Braces

Metal braces have actually become really stylish and quite the statement, especially as you can customise the band colours to whatever you like. They are excellent for fixing complex orthodontic issues, and can tackle variou movies at once which means you can get the results you need super quick. For some patients they report liking they can’t remove them as having braces you can easily remove can become really tempting too often and as consequence cause delays to the treatment plan.

What To Do Next

If you haven’t come to speak to us about a possible orthodontic treatment then you could come and see us at the practice to have an initial consultation and then we can best advise you on which system we think would be successful and practical for you. There are also other factors to take into consideration such as age and if you would like to pay for the treatment privately but these are all details best discussed on a one to one basis.

What we want patients to take away is that there is no one better system for teeth straightening Bournmouth, both are excellent and come with massive bonuses – really it’s down to you and what you want and what will work for you.

Is It Safe To Whiten My Teeth?

When you’re feeling confident in your smile it glows through into all areas of your life so finding ways to make sure you’re feeling happy with your teeth is the team here at Queens Park Dental’s main priority. We understand that our modern lifestyles aren’t really conducive to keeping your teeth bright and white with lots of our favourite treats containing those terrible tannins (the thing that causes staining). So, what teeth whitening Bournemouth options do we offer and are they safe?

Can Teeth Whitening Bournemouth Damage Your Teeth?

Teeth whitening has become one of the biggest industries within cosmetic dentistry with more and more products becoming super accessible online and over the counter. There are methods whitening across all styles of teeth whitening that are safe but there are products out there that aren’t approved which is why we encourage all our patients to go on their teeth whitening Bournemouth with us.

That being said, there are some minor symptoms that can be caused by teeth whitening depending on your individual reaction and the product you decide to use.


One of the most common side effects of teeth whitening is tooth sensitivity. This is due to the pulp’s inflammation due to the contact with the products used in the whitening – peroxide is particularly bad for causing sensitivity. How sensitive your teeth become can be affected by the concentration of the product, if you have any fillings or tooth replacements. If you do become affected by sensitivity it can sometimes get better alone but for most people you you help by: using a toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth, wearing your whitening trays for less time and applying less product to them, start a fluoride treatment to help rebuild your enamel layer or taking some down time from your whitening process.

If you do begin to suffer sensitivity after whitening even if you haven’t used a product through the practice we recommend getting in touch with us so we can check your teeth over and advise you the best root to help you.

Sore Gums

Another common side effect is that gums become irritated from the whitening product  very much in the same way it could cause tooth sensitivity. This is a really important benefit of whitening through us as we can help avoid the gums but also use products that are kinder on them.

So Are They Safe?

The simple answer to this is yes – but only certain products. There are hundreds of products on the market that aren’t approved, trailed or safe.  Which is why though at the time it can feel like an expense to go through professional whitening to begin with it could save you a lot of discomfort and money long-term. We would also like to recommend before any patient goes through a whitening treatment to go for a check up so we can discuss all the options available to you. Sometimes even just having a good deep scale and polish with the hygienist could give you the desired effect.

Keeping Your Teeth Safe When Playing Sport

Us Brits love our sport and getting the chance to get out on the pitch, court, wicket or track is usually top of the activity list when the sun comes out including us at Queens Park Dental. And though we don’t want to spoil sports we do want to stress the importance of protecting your teeth when you’re active. In most emergency dentist Bournemouth cases we see sport is usually related and the damage could have been avoided if a few simple precautions had been taken.


What Warrants A Trip To The  Emergency Dentist in Bournemouth

If you’ve suffered trauma to the mouth that has caused you to bleed, caused a cut to your gums or dislodge, broken or knocked out a tooth then it warrants a trip to the emergency dentist Bouremouth.

When it comes to your teeth it’s not worth taking any risks and we would always recommend getting in contact with us as soon as possible for an emergency appointment. If an incident happens outside of office hours then contact 111 who will be able to assist you with further medical advice and what steps to take next.

If you have taken a serious knock or blow to the mouth and aren’t showing signs of any damage it’s very much worth getting in contact with us to get yourself checked out. We would be really happy to take X-rays to double check no invisible damage has been done.

What Happens At An Emergency Appointment?

If you come in to see us for an emergency then we will perform a detailed examination both internally and externally and take a series of X-rays to check the damage. If we can’t fix the problem we will but we might put temporary measures in before we find a long-term solution.

How To Protect Your Teeth When Playing Sport

If you’re playing contact sport or any hard ball sport ie: hockey, cricket or lacrosse then it’s really worth investing in a mouthguard. Mouthguards are really easily available from sports shops, supermarkets or online stores. You could even talk to us about having a mouth guard made especially for you, these are super comfortable and are made to mould perfectly around your smile.

Complications With Sporting Injuries

One thing to really keep any eye on with any dental sporting injury is infection. Untreated infections can quickly spread to the gum tissue and surrounding area and cause a series of complex dental issues including: gum disease, decay, bone loss and even tooth loss.

Things to keep an eye on – if your face, gums or jaw become swollen or inflamed, if your gums or face goes red, any blood or pus coming from the area. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms please do contact the practice so we can book you in for a check up.

With all dental emergencies we recommend a ‘better safe than sorry’ mindset. Don’t worry about wasting time or being a nuisance, you only get one set of adult teeth so taking care of them is really important.

A quick look at teeth straightening in Bournemouth

There are a lot of adults across the UK who are suffering from misaligned teeth, many of whom may not be aware of the treatment options available to them. Living with crooked teeth can be uncomfortable and can make maintaining a high standard of oral hygiene hard work, this may lead to the development of oral health issues that may lead to a need for dental treatment.


Queens Park Dental Team want to make all our clients aware of the options available for teeth straightening in Bournemouth, as we believe that these types of treatments should be readily available for people to access. We aim to actively play our part to improve the oral health and hygiene of the community we serve.

We are a small friendly group of dental professionals in Bournemouth who care passionately about our patients.

Your oral hygiene is important to the Queens Park Dental Team

We are aware of the issues that those with maligned teeth must live with daily, such as an increase in a poor standard of oral hygiene due to difficulties cleaning the teeth fully or issues with eating due to a weakened bite. The good news is that there is no need to live with these issues in a world with modern treatment options.

A look at modern treatment

When looking to offer teeth straightening in Bournemouth, we wanted a treatment that goes directly past barriers that prevented potential clients from accessing treatment, possibly at an earlier age. When many people think about alignment treatment the first thing that comes to their mind are the braces, we have all seen in the past, this is an image of the past that does not reflect the treatments of the modern era.

Gone are the wire and metal braces of old, that were capable of placing fear into the heart and mind of any teenager. In their place are modern sleek alignment devices, that sit discreetly in the mouth and become hidden in plain sight. This allows a potential client to receive treatment with the knowledge that those around won’t be able to see the treatment device.

An invisible treatment

If we look at one of the modern treatments Invisalign, it is clear to see why more and more adults in the UK are coming forward for treatment.

Created with German technology, Invisalign braces are made up of two layers of clear plastic that fit around the teeth. If you decide this is the right option, you will need to attend an appointment with the dentist. At this consultation, a cast will be taken of your teeth, to be used to create a series of custom aligners to suit your needs.

Using Invisalign for treatment, many clients can expect to see a noticeable change within twelve months, given they stick to the treatment regime. The aligner should be replaced every two weeks for the next one in the treatment series.

The Invisalign treatment can be used to treat crooked, crowded, and protruding teeth, making them a versatile option for use.

Start to improve your oral health

If you are struggling with misaligned teeth, we want you to feel you can contact the Queens Park Dental team to find out about teeth straightening in Bournemouth. We want to help you gain the benefits of perfectly aligned teeth and the improvements to your oral health and hygiene.

Enjoy pearly whites with teeth whitening in Bournemouth

We all dream of having the perfect smile, with perfectly white teeth that are untainted by the stains that can build up on them throughout our life. We clean and clean our teeth in the hope of retaining that pure, untouched look we all desire, the truth is food, coffee, and nicotine are just a few of the things that can leave severe staining.


The rise of cosmetic procedures within dentistry has led to services becoming available that aim to give clients the white teeth they are searching for. At the Queens Park Dental Team, we are offering teeth whitening in Bournemouth, allowing our clients the chance to have the white teeth they desire.

Your so vain?

Let us get the elephant in the room dealt with from the outset. By bringing teeth whitening in Bournemouth, we understand we are delivering a cosmetic service to our clients, as well as being aware of all the questions and connotations that come along with cosmetic surgeries. One major criticism of this area of medicine is that it largely targets the vain and others who are seen as image-obsessed by nature.

We see this as a short-minded train of thought, that sees the fact that people want to look their best as a negative and negates other reasons for wanting cosmetics procedures. It is our experience that those seeking cosmetic procedures have some issues around their self-confidence, if having teeth whitening addresses this for a client then surely that is a positive outcome that is worthwhile.

So, if you are looking at the questions around vanity, then you need to turn these into questions of health. Do not ask yourself, will I look better with whiter teeth? Instead, ask, will I feel more confidant within myself with whiter teeth? If the answer to this new question is yes, then tooth whitening may well be the right thing for you.

The cosmetic procedure

Remember, this is a cosmetic procedure that involves bleaching the teeth, this will make the teeth appear brighter by several shades. However, your teeth may never look perfectly white, as this is dependant on several factors such as any existing staining on the teeth before treatment.

Any client wishing to undergo this type of treatment will need to attend a consultation with a dentist, so an impression of the teeth can be taken as this is needed to create the required bleaching guards. A gel is then applied to the guards that will bleach and lighten the teeth over a few weeks, creating a whitening look.

Who is this suitable for?

Most of the clients who undergo this treatment are looking to remove discolouration from their teeth, caused by red wine, nicotine, and coffee. Whilst this treatment is used for the whitening of natural teeth, those with filling and crowns may still be able to receive this treatment. However, those with crowns may want to consider having new crowns, just so they have a consistent shade to the teeth.

Start the change

Those looking for teeth whitening in Bournemouth are encouraged to contact Queens Park Dental Team to find out more. Our reception team are ready to answer your call and will take you through the process of booking a consultation.

We are a small friendly group of dental professionals in Bournemouth who care passionately about our patients.

Unsure if braces are worth it later in life? Benefits of teeth straightening as an adult

When you are an adult with crooked or misaligned teeth, life can feel very tough; even smiling in group photos becomes hard, lowering your self-esteem. And that’s not OK!


Nowadays, there are more options than ever before for adults to correct misalignments using braces and aligners. And, should you live in Bournemouth, our team would be more than happy to help you achieve that straighter smile.

At Queens Park Dental Team, we know all about teeth straightening Bournemouth, and can offer you a myriad of appliances. One of our most popular aligners, Inline, straightens your smile whilst also being practically invisible, allowing you to get the straighter smile you want without worrying about obvious metal attachments.

So, what are some of the key benefits of undertaking teeth straightening Bournemouth? Read on to find out!

Improved confidence

We all know that having straighter teeth leads to improved confidence.

If you smile more, people are also more likely to notice you, take you seriously and will likely listen to your ideas more; very handy if you are looking for a promotion at work or trying to get clients.

Hence why teeth straightening Bournemouth has boomed in popularity among adults; we can use clear or invisible aligners to correct your teeth, boosting your confidence without the need for metal appliances. Perfect!

Improved oral health

Straighter teeth are easier to clean; it really is that simple!

If you have misaligned, crooked or crowded teeth, there are more places for bacteria to accumulate, thus increasing the chances of gum disease and tooth decay. Wearing a brace can cut the chances of such instances in half in the first few weeks of use, leading to a healthier mouth and stronger teeth.

Improved physical health

The link between excess amounts of plaque and bacteria in the mouth and other health issues has been long since documented.

And, following on from the previous point, if you have straighter teeth, there are fewer places for plaque to hide and seep into your bloodstream via saliva or gum inflammation. So, wearing a brace can eventually actually reduce the chance of you developing cardiovascular disease, cancer and suffering from heart attacks or strokes.

Improved sleep

When your upper and lower jaw do not sit together, it is likely that you engage in nocturnal bruxism or teeth grinding.

Not only does this lead to an increase in the occurrence of migraines, but it can also cause issues with sleep too. So, wearing a brace or even an aligner to correct for these issues can lead to more restful sleep, fewer headaches and less neck pain each morning. This can improve your quality of life too.

Improved digestion

As you may be aware, teeth that do not mesh correctly make it harder to bite and chew food correctly.

And, while it may be initially undesirable to wear braces as an adult, doing so can aid in better digestion. Correctly meshed teeth equate to correct chewing, which leads to better digestion and fewer issues such as acid reflux and heartburn.

Teeth whitening in the dental surgery versus shop bought toothpaste. A comparison by Queens Park Dental Team

Are you looking for a way to whiten your teeth but are unsure if professional whitening is worth it? You aren’t alone.


The majority of dental patients report wishing that their teeth were whiter; hence, the popularity of over-the-counter toothpaste, gels and sets which promise to do this for you in the comfort of your own home.

Unfortunately, these rarely work and if you have deeply set stains, you may want to approach our team to assess the type of staining your teeth have and get your pearly whites really white!

At Queens Park Dental, we have extensive experience with teeth whitening in Bournemouth and can help you achieve the exact look you want. If you want your teeth a striking white or a more subtle shade, we can achieve it for you!

So, what are some of the benefits of our teeth whitening Bournemouth versus at-home kits and gels?


At Queens Park Dental, we know a fair bit about teeth whitening Bournemouth!

We can offer you in-chair whitening or whitening kits to use at home, or both. With our expertise, your teeth will remain healthy while also being whiter and we will work to reduce potential problems with sensitivity.

Should you attempt to use a shop bought at-home whitening kit, you run the risk of an incorrect mixing of gels, causing erosion to the enamel and potentially damaging your gums. If you want whiter teeth, talk to our team!


There is no mistaking the result of professionally whitened teeth; Hollywood, here you come!

But, if you are looking for a more natural looking effect, we can achieve this too without the end result looking too fake. We can also target our whitening to remove certain stains that are bothersome, without going over the top with bleaching. In short, anything you want us to do, we can do, which over-the-counter gels and pastes cannot achieve.


Over-the-counter tubes of toothpaste can take a long time to work and, while they may be effective, it is unlikely that the results will be as long lived as professionally obtained ones.

Also, when you visit our team at Queens Park Dental, we will provide you with whitening gels to use at home, to deal with any emerging yellow patches between whitening appointments. This will help to prolong the effects of the whiter teeth, while also minimising damage to the enamel as the gel has been mixed by our team.


A key issue many patients have when they are looking to whiten their teeth is sensitivity.

Typically, bleaching and whitening gels contain oxidising gels which remove stains that are under the enamel on the tooth. Hence, if you are looking to remove deep-set stains, this can be challenging to do without professional help and without triggering sensitive teeth.

So, one key advantage of seeing our team for dental whitening versus shop bought products is that we can control the bleaching agents in the gel to get the best results possible, without damaging your teeth. Now that’s handy!

Need to see our emergency dentist at Queens Park? What to expect at your appointment

Have you got a toothache that just won’t go away? It’s time to see an emergency dental team!


While you may never want to visit an emergency dental team, we understand that accidents can and do happen and, as you may know, your teeth don’t run on a 9-5 schedule. But is an emergency dental appointment the same as a regular check-up?

At Queens Park Dental Team, we know it can be nerve-racking to see our emergency dentist Bournemouth, especially if you are in discomfort. But don’t worry! Our team will aim to alleviate any discomfort you are in and will treat you with some TLC and respect while helping you to feel better and able to go about your day.

So, what can you expect when you see our emergency dentist Bournemouth?

Reasons to see our emergency team

There are many dental issues that warrant a trip to our emergency dentist Bournemouth.

If you are suffering from intense dental discomfort, swelling, sudden sensitivity to hot and cold drinks or you have an ulcer that is persistent or larger than a five pence piece, call us.

If you have a loose/ lost filling or crown, or you have noticed a chip or crack in one of your teeth, irrespective of discomfort, you need to see our emergency team.

When you arrive

When you arrive at Queens Park Dental, we will assess the issue and aim to relieve the discomfort.

We will always endeavour to see emergency patients on the same day that you contact us; if this is not possible, we will aim to have you attend our surgery within 24 hours of your initial contact.

What we will do

As before, when it comes to emergency dental appointments, it is our first priority to relieve the discomfort that you are in.

This will involve a gentle examination of the area and, in the case of a serious issue like an abscess, we will aim to numb the swelling before attempting to assess the potential cause. If the issue is a lost restorative (like a filling), then we will replace it with a new one.


There may or may not be aftercare guidelines to follow when you see our emergency team, depending on the reason you visited us.

But, if you have attended our emergency team with an abscess, we will usually have you begin a course of antibiotics to control the infection, relieve the swelling and reduce the discomfort. We will normally book you in for an appointment with our regular dentists in such instances too for a follow-up.

Follow-up appointments

Should you have attended an emergency appointment with an abscess, you will need a follow-up appointment to complete the treatment.

Depending on the cause of the abscess and the condition of your tooth, we will aim to restore any damage in the first instance; with abscesses, this typically involves a root canal. But, if the tooth is too badly decayed to be saved, then we will extract it.