Periodontal disease (also referred to as gum disease) is the foremost origin of tooth loss in children and adults worldwide. It is a dental disease that targets the soft tissue around the teeth causing your gums to become infected which eventually leads to receding gums that loosen the teeth or in worst case scenarios, even tooth loss. Tooth loss can be unappealing to look at and cause you to feel extremely self-conscious, not to mention it also makes everyday tasks such as eating hard food challenging and painful. Luckily, at Queens Park Dental, there is a long-lasting solution on offer known as dental implants Bournemouth which is designed to provide you with a permanent alternative to conventional dentures and crowns.

What are dental implants?
Dental implants Bournemouth are posts comprised of medical titanium which are used to act like an anchor for dentures and crowns so that they can function like natural teeth. Unlike normal dentures and crowns, dental implants Bournemouth are surgically secured into your jawbone making them permanent if they are treated carefully after the treatment.
What are the benefits of having dental implants fitted in?
Dental implants have abundant benefits, which can be reinforced by the dramatic surge in patients who are showing interest in getting dental implants fitted in over conventional dentures and crowns. While normal dentures, bridges and crowns are detachable, dental implants are secured into your jawbone to mimic a tooth root. Your jawbone will then effortlessly fuse to the implant causing it to function as a natural part of the bone. A prosthetic tooth or crown can then be attached to the implant, with your dentist ensuring it matches the shade, size, and contours of your other teeth, to make your teeth appear more natural and consistent.
One of the most significant benefits of having dental implants is that it reduces the chances of you suffering from bone loss; when you suffer tooth loss, the bone tissue your tooth was originally attached to is no longer stimulated and so the jawbone begins to slowly shrink in size. Over time, this can alter your face causing it to droop or make you seem older than you are. Fortunately, dental implants are able to encourage the jawbone to move more regularly when chewing or biting, thereby inhibiting further bone loss and avoiding the requirement for a bone graft or nasal lift prior to having the implant procedure.
What does a dental implant procedure involve?
As with all dental procedures, when getting dental implants, you will be expected to have a consultation with your dentist to evaluate if your mouth is in a suitable condition to undergo the treatment and run through a thorough medical history to ensure the procedure is not harmful to you and the healing process will not be adversely affected. The dentist will then carry out a series of 3D scans to check if you have enough bone remaining to fuse to the implants successfully. The dentist may have to carry out a bone graft before they insert your implants if you have suffered significant bone loss. Prior to the fitting, your dentist will use a localised numbing cream or gel to numb the treatment area; this will make the process painless for you. An incision will have to be made across your gum to drill a hole into your jawbone. The implant will be fitted into the hole and once this is done, the dentist will stitch the incision made in the gum and stop any bleeding that occurs.