We all dream of having the perfect smile, with perfectly white teeth that are untainted by the stains that can build up on them throughout our life. We clean and clean our teeth in the hope of retaining that pure, untouched look we all desire, the truth is food, coffee, and nicotine are just a few of the things that can leave severe staining.

The rise of cosmetic procedures within dentistry has led to services becoming available that aim to give clients the white teeth they are searching for. At the Queens Park Dental Team, we are offering teeth whitening in Bournemouth, allowing our clients the chance to have the white teeth they desire.
Your so vain?
Let us get the elephant in the room dealt with from the outset. By bringing teeth whitening in Bournemouth, we understand we are delivering a cosmetic service to our clients, as well as being aware of all the questions and connotations that come along with cosmetic surgeries. One major criticism of this area of medicine is that it largely targets the vain and others who are seen as image-obsessed by nature.
We see this as a short-minded train of thought, that sees the fact that people want to look their best as a negative and negates other reasons for wanting cosmetics procedures. It is our experience that those seeking cosmetic procedures have some issues around their self-confidence, if having teeth whitening addresses this for a client then surely that is a positive outcome that is worthwhile.
So, if you are looking at the questions around vanity, then you need to turn these into questions of health. Do not ask yourself, will I look better with whiter teeth? Instead, ask, will I feel more confidant within myself with whiter teeth? If the answer to this new question is yes, then tooth whitening may well be the right thing for you.
The cosmetic procedure
Remember, this is a cosmetic procedure that involves bleaching the teeth, this will make the teeth appear brighter by several shades. However, your teeth may never look perfectly white, as this is dependant on several factors such as any existing staining on the teeth before treatment.
Any client wishing to undergo this type of treatment will need to attend a consultation with a dentist, so an impression of the teeth can be taken as this is needed to create the required bleaching guards. A gel is then applied to the guards that will bleach and lighten the teeth over a few weeks, creating a whitening look.
Who is this suitable for?
Most of the clients who undergo this treatment are looking to remove discolouration from their teeth, caused by red wine, nicotine, and coffee. Whilst this treatment is used for the whitening of natural teeth, those with filling and crowns may still be able to receive this treatment. However, those with crowns may want to consider having new crowns, just so they have a consistent shade to the teeth.
Start the change
Those looking for teeth whitening in Bournemouth are encouraged to contact Queens Park Dental Team to find out more. Our reception team are ready to answer your call and will take you through the process of booking a consultation.
We are a small friendly group of dental professionals in Bournemouth who care passionately about our patients.