There are some dental solutions that you rely on to support your lifestyle and allow you to perform basic, everyday tasks like eating properly. If you are a denture wearer, you know how reliant you are on your dental equipment. When you experience problems with your dentures, it can have a knock-on effect on your ability to enjoy life. You may feel like you need help from an emergency dentist in Bournemouth straight away.
The first service that we offer as an emergency dentist in Bournemouth at Queens Park Dental is reassurance and advice over the phone. You can speak to Hannah or another member of our team about your immediate issues and we can help make you comfortable and get you an appointment as soon as possible.
Why do dentures break?
Dentures are in use all the time and they experience a lot of wear and tear. This can lead to long-term damage, which we can usually look at during your regular appointments. They can also get damaged during your daily cleaning routine so make sure that, as you go through the steps, you have a towel underneath your dentures so that if you do drop them, they do not hit a hard surface.
The other way that dentures commonly break is via an accident. This can cause damage in the mouth as well. If you wear a partial denture, you can experience damage to your remaining teeth as well. Under these circumstances, you are more likely to need the assistance of an emergency dentist in Bournemouth like Hannah and the team at Queens Park Dental.
What should you do if your denture breaks?
Ensure that you keep all the pieces together, as we may be able to repair the damage. Check you mouth thoroughly for any small or sharp pieces that could damage your soft tissues. If you are experiencing any bleeding, rinse your mouth out with slightly salty water as this can help to prevent infection. Like any cut, the bleeding should stop after a while, but it can take a little longer due to the moisture in the mouth. Call us as soon as possible for further advice and an appointment.